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钱振东1, 王睿1, 陈团结2
关键词:  环氧沥青  橡胶粉  沥青混合料  配合比设计
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629201402027
Performance of Epoxy Asphalt and Its Mixture underDifferent Rubber Powder Dosages
QIAN Zhendong1, WANG Rui1, CHEN Tuanjie2
1.Intelligent Transportation System Research Center, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China;2.CCCC First Highway Consultant Co. Ltd., Xian 710065, China
In order to know the influence of rubber powder on properties of epoxy asphalt and its mixture, various tests including viscosity, tensile, Marshall, rutting and bending beam strength were carried out for the crumb rubber modified epoxy asphalt under 2%10% rubber powder levels by mass. Based on these results, the reserved time of modified epoxy asphalt is shortened slightly, while the fracture elongation increases. The elongation of 6% rubber powder modified epoxy asphalt is up to 261%. Besides, the modified epoxy asphalt has better high temperature stability and its low temperature brittleness also improves. 4%, 6% crumb rubber modified epoxy asphalt mixtures show higher strength and better deformation capacity at low temperature.
Key words:  epoxy asphalt  rubber powder  asphalt mixture  mix design