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郭兴忠1, 杨闯1, 张超1, 杨辉1, 杨庭贵2
关键词:  节能门窗  建筑能耗  传热系数  模拟计算
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629201402014
Simulation on Thermal Performance of Energy Saving Windows and Doorsand Its Influence on Building Energy Consumption
GUO Xingzhong1, YANG Chuang1, ZHANG Chao1, YANG Hui1, YANG Tinggui2
1.Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China;2.Zhejiang Jialan Energy Saving Technology Co. Ltd., Hangzhou 311251, China
Thermal performance of window glass and entire windows and doors system was simulated by WINDOW and THERM software. Combined with the annual climatic data from Hangzhou, annual building energy consumption with different energy saving windows and doors was calculated by DeST software. The results show that materials of windows and doors play a significant role in saving energy.Wooden profiles with low thermal conductivity and Low E glass can significantly reduce the heat transfer coefficient, while thicker aluminum profiles increase heat transfer coefficient. Energy saving windows and doors with different materials and types greatly influence the energy consumption derived from air conditioning in summer and heating in winter in Hangzhou, respectively. Local climatic conditions must be considered in the choice of energy saving windows and doors.
Key words:  energy saving windows and doors  building energy consumption  heat transfer coefficient  simulation calculation