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李北星, 陈梦义, 王威, 朱志刚
关键词:  铁尾矿  梯级粉磨  粒度分布  强度  孔结构
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629201402004
Iron Tailings Slag Based Cementitious Materials Preparedby Cascade Grinding
LI Beixing, CHEN Mengyi, WANG Wei, ZHU Zhigang
State Key Laboratory of Silicate Materials for Architecture, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070, China
Cascade grinding technology was used to product iron tailings slag based cementitious materials(TSBC).The influence of cascade grinding time, ratio of raw materials and grinding aids on cascade grinding in production of TSBC was studied in terms of particle size distribution, particle parameters and mechanical properties.The submicroscopic structure and hydration products of TSBC were observed by mercury porosimetry, XRD and SEM.The results show that reasonable cascade combination of grinding time is conducive to widening the particle size distribution of TSBC and increasing the content of submicron iron tailings in TSBC, and then improving its paste pore structure and strength. The material ratio mainly affects the early strength of TSBC slurry by influencing its hydration activity. The particle size of TSBC can be refined by adding appropriate grinding aids, which may help to enhance cementitious activity of the component and the filling effect.TSBC and original iron mine tailings can be used to prepare reactive powder concrete.
Key words:  iron tailings  cascade grinding  particle size distribution  strength  pore structure