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陈永亮, 张一敏, 陈铁军, 韩晨
以鄂西赤铁矿尾矿为主要原料制备铁尾矿烧结砖,通过综合差热分析(TG DSC)、X射线衍射分析(XRD)和扫描电子显微镜分析(SEM),研究了铁尾矿烧结砖的烧结过程及烧结机理.结果表明:铁尾矿烧结砖的烧结过程分为干燥预热、加热、烧成及冷却4个阶段.铁尾矿烧结砖烧结初期以固相表面的扩散传质为主,烧结中后期以熔融液相作用下的固体颗粒重排和塑性流动传质为主.熔融液相对铁尾矿砖坯的烧结致密及固相反应起到重要的促进作用.
关键词:  鄂西赤铁矿尾矿  烧结砖  烧结过程  机理
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629201401029
Firing Process and Mechanism of Fired Bricks Prepared withIron Tailings from Western Hubei
CHEN Yongliang, ZHANG Yimin, CHEN Tiejun, HAN Chen
Hubei Province Key Laboratory for Efficient Utilization and Agglomeration for Metallurgic Mineral Resources,Wuhan University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430081, China
Iron tailing fired bricks were prepared with the hematite tailing from western Hubei as the main raw materials, the firing process and its mechanism of iron tailing fired bricks were investigated by TG DSC, XRD and SEM. The results show that the firing process is divided into four stages as drying, heating, firing and cooling. The mass diffusion transfer at the solid phase surface predominates in initial firing stage, while solid particles rearrangement and plastic mass diffusion transfer under the action of molten liquid phase is dominant in intermediate and late firing stages. Molten liquid phase plays an important role to promote the vitrification and solid phase reaction of the bricks.
Key words:  hematite tailing from western Hubei  fired brick  firing process  mechanism