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崔正龙1, 童华彬1, 路沙沙1, 汪振双2
关键词:  再生混凝土  透气性  耐久性
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629201401026
Effect of Recycled Coarse and Fine Aggregate onAir Permeability of Concrete
CUI Zhenglong1, TONG Huabin1, LU Shasha1, WANG Zhenshuang2
1.College of Civil and Architectural Engineering, Liaoning Technical University, Fuxin 123000, China;2.Advisory Company of Investment, Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, Dalian 116025, China
Recycled coarse and fine aggregates prepared by used C30 concrete was used to study the air permeability resistance of recycled concrete with different strength grades and different replacement rate. Results show that: with use of recycled coarse aggregate as coarse aggregate and natural sand as fine aggregate,the replacement rate of recycled coarse aggregate have little effect on air permeability coefficient of recycled concrete; but with use of natural gravel as coarse aggregate,the replacement rate of recycled fine aggregate have significant impact on air permeability coefficient of recycled concrete,its air permeability coefficient increases as the replacement rate of recycled fine aggregate increase.
Key words:  recycled aggregate concrete  permeability  durability