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钟永, 邢新婷, 任海青, 张冉
为了研究纹理角度对结构用单板层积材(LVL)承压力学性能的影响,进行了180个不同纹理角度试件的承压测试.结果表明:随着纹理角度的增加,试件的斜纹承压强度和刚度均明显下降;斜纹承压共发生纤维的褶皱破坏、剪切破坏和横纹受压破坏3种破坏模式.将GB 50005—2003《木结构设计规范》中的斜纹承压公式与国外常用Hankinsion计算公式、Norris强度准则进行分析比较后发现,Hankinsion计算公式能够更好地预测LVL的斜纹承压强度值;在同时考虑斜纹承压破坏模式的前提下,采用最大应力强度准则亦能较好地预测LVL的斜纹承压强度.
关键词:  斜纹承压  单板层积材  承压强度  刚度  强度准则
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629201401021
Properties of Structural Laminated Veneer Lumber inCompression at an Angle to Grain
ZHONG Yong, XING Xinting, REN Haiqing, ZHANG Ran
Research Institute of Wood Industry, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing 100091, China
In order to study the effect of angle between load and wood grain on the compressive strength, stiffness and failure mode for structural laminated veneer lumber(LVL), a total of 180 samples were tested in static compression under various angle. The results show that the compressive strength and stiffness are significantly decreased with the increase of angle. There are three kinds of failure modes in compressive test, that is, wood fiber folding failure, shearing failure and crushing failure. By comparison of the calculation formula in Chinese standard GB 50005—2003 with Hankinsion formula and Norris criterion as the strength criterion for structural laminated veneer lumber, it is found that Hankinsion formula can fit the data better and can be used to better predict the compressive strength under various angles. Besides, the maximum stress criterion can also be used to predict compressive strength when the failure models are considered at the same time.
Key words:  compression at an angle to grain  laminated veneer lumber(LVL)  compressive strength  stiffness  strength criterion