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余苗, 吴国雄
关键词:  废胎胶粉  干法  沥青混合料  配合比设计  等体积替换  肯塔堡飞散试验
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629201401018
基金项目:重庆交通大学交通土建工程材料国家地方联合工程实验室开放基金资助项目(LHSYS 2012 006)
Research on the Mix Design of Dry Process CrumbRubber Modified Asphalt Mixture
YU Miao, WU Guoxiong
National and Regional United Engineering Lab for Communications Construction Materials,Chongqing Jiaotong University, Chongqing 400074, China
“Filling in gradation”method has been adopted in the skeleton interlocking dense gradation design with “equi volume replacement”method as the guiding idea for solving the problem of inadequacy of conventional gradation design methodologys direct application in the design of dry process crumb rubber modified asphalt mixture. The research on the mix design system for dry process crumb rubber modified asphalt mixture was carried out adopting the method of replacement of equi volume aggregates with quantified crumb rubbers. The results demonstrate that the gradation has the most predominant effect on the mass loss in Cantabro test compared with the asphalt aggregate ratio, and the crumb rubber content affects least in the three factors. The results indicate that with the skeleton interlocking dense gradation and no more than 50% of the coarse rubber, the asphalt aggregate ratio increased by 0.3% on top of the original gradation, the good performance of the dry process crumb rubber modified asphalt mixture with 5.0% rubber content by the aggregate in volume can be achieved in Cantabro test. In addition, the dynamic stability can be improved distinctly when the rubber content accounts for 3.0% in volume, but then reduced with the continuous increase of rubber content.
Key words:  waste crumb rubber  dry process  asphalt mixture  mix design  equi volume replacement  Cantabro test