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王四巍1, 潘旭威1, 高丹盈2, 李小超1, 孙义贵3
关键词:  塑性混凝土  三轴试验  应力应变关系
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629201401008
Experiment Study of Stress Strain Relation of Plastic Concreteunder Triaxial Stress
WANG Siwei1, PAN Xuwei1, GAO Danying2, LI Xiaochao1, SUN Yigui3
1.Insitute of Geotechnical Engineering and Hydraulic Structure Engineering, North China University of WaterConservancy and Hydroelectric Power, Zhengzhou 450045, China;2.School of Civil Engineering, ZhengzhouUniversity, Zhengzhou 450002, China;3.Hydropower Survey and Design Institute of Linyi, Linyi 276001, China
Stress strain relation of plastic concrete was studied using conventional triaxial and uniaxial compression tests with 4 plastic concrete mixes. The test results show that complete stress strain curve of plastic concrete in confining pressure is remarkably different from that in the uniaxial compression. There are longer unlinear transcending section, no distinct peak point, or sharply descending section. The relation is given between secant modulus and confining pressure, elastic modulus and strength under uniaxial compression stress. Relation is expressed between peak strain and confining pressure, strength and peak strain under uniaxial compression stress. At last, constitutive model of plastic concrete is presented in conventional triaxial stress state.
Key words:  plastic concrete  triaxial test  stress strain relation