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姜乐1, 翁兴中1, 颜祥程1, 刘军忠1, 万希存2, 张广显1
关键词:  纤维格栅  机场水泥混凝土道面  双层小梁  黏结性能  挠度  应变
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629201306018
Interface Bond Property of Double Layer Airport Pavement with Fiber Grid Reinforcement
JIANG Le1, WENG Xing zhong1, YAN Xiang cheng1, LIU Jun zhong1, WAN Xi cun2, ZHANG Guang xian1
1.School of Aeronautics and Astronautics Engineering, Air Force Engineering University, Xian 710038, China;2.Air Force Design Institute of Beijing, Beijing 100022, China
In order to study the interface bond property of cement concrete double layer airport pavement with fiber grid reinforcement, the cement concrete double layer beam specimen was used to simulate cement concrete double layer airport pavement. The strains along the depth at central section of double layer beam and the bottom deflections of upper and lower beams were tested. The bottom strain ratio and deflection difference of upper and lower beams, the coupling coefficient K of double layer beam were calculated. The results indicate that the distribution of strains is linearly along the depth at central section of double layer beam, which is coincided with the plane sections hypothesis. The lower beam bears tensile stress entirely, and the upper beam bears compressive stress mainly. The friction between upper and lower beams causes the bottom strains of upper and lower beams reduce 4444%9846%. Reinforcing with fiber grid and processing fiber gird and old cement concrete surface not only increase the coupling coefficient at the range of 460%1573% but also decrease the bottom deflection difference the number of which ranges from 0004 mm to 0016 mm, thus improve the integral force performance and deformation ability of double layer beam. The effects of fiber grid types on the interface bond properties of double layer beam have no difference.
Key words:  fiber grid  cement concrete airport pavement  double layer beam  bond property  deflection  strain