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王茹, 张腾飞, 王培铭
关键词:  废弃电路板  非金属粉末  粒径  水泥砂浆  偶联剂  丁苯乳液  强度  收缩率  毛细孔吸水率
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629201306002
Effect of the Particle Size of Nonmetallic Powder Recycled fromWaste Printed Circuit Boards on the Performance of Cement Mortar
WANG Ru, ZHANG Teng fei, WANG Pei ming
Key Laboratory of Advanced Civil Engineering Materials of Ministry of Education, Tongji University, Shanghai201804, China
The nonmetallic powder recycled from waste printed circuit boards(PCBs) was used in cement mortar as an admixture. The effect of the particle size of nonmetallic powder on the performance of mortar was investigated. Styrene butadiene rubber(SBR) dispersion and coupling agent were used to improve the interface between nonmetallic powder and cement paste and thus the performance of mortar prepared with nonmetallic powder. The results show that the compressive strength, flexural strength and tensile bond strength increase as the particle size of nonmetallic powder decreases; and the air content, shrinkage rate and water capillary adsorption decline with the fall of the particle size of nonmetallic powder. The air content and shrinkage rate of mortar can be reduced by the treatment of coupling agent on the nonmetallic powder. Addition of styrene butadiene rubber dispersion improves the compressive strength and water capillary adsorption of mortar. Both treatment on the nonmetallic powder with coupling agent and addition of styrene butadiene rubber dispersion can enhance the flexural strength and tensile bond strength of mortar.
Key words:  waste printed circuit board  nonmetallic powder  particle size  cement mortar  coupling agent  styrene butadiene rubber dispersion  strength  shrinkage rate  water capillary adsorption