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刘俊霞1, 张磊2, 杨久俊1, 肖宇领1
关键词:  黄河泥沙  磷酸  活性激发  石灰土
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007 9629.2013.05.028
Activation Effect and Mechanism of Phosphoric Acid onYellow River Sediment Limes Soil
LIU Jun xia1, ZHANG Lei2, YANG Jiu jun1, XIAO Yu ling1
1.School of Materials Science and Engineering, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450052, China;2.School of Materials Science and Engineering, Tianjin Chengjian University, Tianjin 300384, China
Activity of Yellow River sediment was stimulated by phosphoric acid. Lime soil and sand soil were prepared with activated sediment and 20% of lime and river sand through press forming. Its mechanical properties and microstructures were studied; the activation effect and mechanism of phosphoric acid on the Yellow River sediment were discussed. The results show that the activation effect reaches the peak when the use level of phosphoric acid is 4%(by mass). At this use level, the compressive strength and softening coefficient of lime soil are 19.3MPa and 0.96, respectively, increasing 150% and 50% compared with the original sediment. Filamentous calcium phosphate crystal is produced by the reaction of phosphoric acid with calcium carbonate on the surface of clay particles, and —OH group content in the sediment is increased through activation of phosphoric acid. SEM and EDS analysis show that sand is wrapped around calcium hydroxide and calcium phosphate crystal. The micro morphology of lime soil activated by phosphoric acid is similar to that of ordinary concrete.
Key words:  Yellow River sediment  phosphoric acid  modification  limes soil