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冯德成, 权磊, 田波, 李新凯
关键词:  水泥混凝土路面  早期  温度场  养生方式  固化翘曲
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007 9629.2013.05.013
Experimental Study on Warp of Concrete Road Slab upon Curing
FENG De cheng, QUAN Lei, TIAN Bo, LI Xin kai
School of Transportation Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150090, China
The warp of PCC slab for road pavement resulted by various factors during curing has been a problem in road engineering for long, and it has a great bad effect on the smoothness and durability of concrete pavement. The temperature fields of full scale field placed concrete slabs at early age and final setting with five different curing methods were determined and analyzed. Analyses of the temperature fields at final setting shows that the internal temperature gradient of 7.1 and 6.5℃/26 cm are built in the slabs with ordinary curing and plastic sheet cover curing respectively. The comparison of the temperature fields of the slabs with different curing methods at early age indicate that although they have about the same change rule, the difference still exists. And the differences are mainly due to the thermal parameters of the curing materials used such as solar energy absorption coefficient and heat exchange coefficient.
Key words:  Portland cement concrete(PCC) pavement  early age  temperature field  curing method  built in warp