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王铭明1, 满志刚2, 陈健云3, 范书立3, 徐强3
关键词:  仿真混凝土  黏土混凝土  橡胶混凝土  塑性  变形性能
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007 9629.2013.05.010
Experimental Research on Two Methods to Improve Plasticityof Emulation Concrete
WANG Ming ming1, MAN Zhi gang2, CHEN Jian yun3, FAN Shu li3, XU Qiang3
1.Faculty of Electric Power Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650500, China;2.Real Estate Office, Siping Municipal Party Committee, Siping 136000, China;3.State Key Laboratory of Coastal and Offshore Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China
Emulation concrete(EC) is a kind of concrete with low elastic modulus and low strength and used to perform the dynamic failure test on simulation model. Since emulation concrete is quite brittle, a series of tests were carried out to evaluate two methods of improving the brittleness of the material with adding clay and fine rubber particles in emulation concrete. The test results of clay emulation concrete with different clay contents are compared with those of standard emulation concrete, and it is found that clay mixed in emulation concrete can improve its brittleness and the deformability. The mathematical model is established to well estimate the mechanical parameters for any clay emulation concrete with respect to clay content. The functions presented are helpful in establishing the targeted basic engineering properties of the clay emulation concretes for the mix design purposes. According to that, the researchers can find the mix proportion of the clay emulation concrete for the need of the test. Another way to improve brittleness of emulation concrete is to add fine rubber particles in the emulation forming rubberized concrete. By analyzing test results of rubberized emulation concrete, it is found that the material shows good deformation compatibility in fracturing process of specimens. The specimens do not show brittle fracture under the maximum load, but rather show ductile failure with large plastic deformation.
Key words:  emulation concrete(EC)  clay concrete  rubberized concrete  plasticity  deformability