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钟世云, 李晋梅, 韩冬冬, 倪坤
关键词:  聚合物改性水泥浆  zeta电位  吸附  乳液类型  聚灰比
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007 9629.2013.05.001
Factors Influencing the Adsorption Behavior of Latex Polymer onCement: Latex Type and Polymer/Cement Ratio
ZHONG Shi yun, LI Jin mei, HAN Dong dong, NI Kun
Key Laboratory of Advanced Civil Engineering Materials of Ministry of Education, Tongji University,Shanghai 201804, China
In order to investigate the factors influencing the adsorption behavior of polymer particles on cement grains, the zeta potentials of fresh plain cement paste(PCP) and latex modified cement pastes(LMCP) were measured and the influences of latex type and the latex to cement ratio (mL/mC) on the adsorption behavior of polymer particles in the latex (for short as latex particles) on the cement grain were investigated. The results show that cement grains can adsorb latex particles, moreover, anionic latex particles are more easily adsorbed by cement grains than nonionic ones. With the increase of mL/mC the adsorbed latex particles on the cement grains increase to a constant level, therefore it can be concluded that the adsorption is single layered.
Key words:  polymer modified cement paste  zeta potential  adsorption  latex type  latex to cement ratio