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崔家春, 杨联萍, 吴明儿
关键词:  ETFE薄膜  单向拉伸性能  屈服应力  低温性能
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007 9629.2013.04.031
Uniaxial Tensile Properties of ETFE Film at Low Temperature Condition
CUI Jia chun, YANG Lian ping, WU Ming er
Department of Building Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China
Uniaxial tensile properties tests of ETFE film were carried out from 20℃ to -100℃.The test results show that the stress strain curve of ETFE film is nearly a continuous curve before the second yield point at low temperature(≤-40℃) while it is two straight lines at normal temperature(20℃). The stress at the first yield point, the strain at the first yield point, the stress at the second yield point and the tensile strength of ETFE film show a nearly linear increase with decreasing temperature. The breaking elongation of ETFE film shows a nearly linear decrease with decreasing temperature. The strain at the second yield point changes a little with decreasing temperature. Compared with that at normal temperature(20℃), the tensile strength of ETFE film has improved greatly and the ductility of ETFE film has decreased obviously at low temperature. When temperature changes from 20℃ to -100℃,the change amplitude of secant elastic modulus of ETFE film is less than 10% and can be ignored for engineering design.
Key words:  ETFE film  uniaxial tensile property  yield stress  low temperature property