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宋旭艳1, 韩静云1, 张伟2, 郜志海1
关键词:  煤矸石  复合矿化剂  活化制度  结构特征  胶凝性能
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007 9629.2013.04.027
Study on Activation of Calcium Added Coal Gangue withComposite Mineralizers
SONG Xu yan1, HAN Jing yun1, ZHANG Wei2, GAO Zhi hai1
1.College of Civil Engineering, Suzhou University of Science and Technology, Suzhou 215011, China;2.School of Materials Science and Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070, China
Coal gangue from Yixing, Jiangsu was investigated. After calcium was introduced into coal gangue, activated samples were prepared under different high temperatures by adding composite mineralizers. X ray diffraction(XRD) method and infrared absorption spectrometry(IR) method were used to analyze their structure characteristics. Cementitious properties of activated samples were also detected. The research results were listed as follows: Under all activation conditions from 1000℃ to 1100℃, CA is produced in activated samples due to the effect of composite mineralizers. CS, Ca3Al10O18 may exist in low activation conditions, such as under 1000℃ and holding 0.5h or 1.0h. And when it comes to 1050℃ with holding 0.5h, Ca3Al10O18 disappears. CS disappears at 1050℃ with holding 1.0h and at the same time [Ca4(Al2O4)]3- generates. Different activated samples have different cementitious properties. Activated samples calcined at 1050℃, 0.5h show the greatest influence on cement strength, and its compressive strength of 28d can reach 70.16MPa, with substituting 30% mass of cement.
Key words:  coal gangue  composite mineralizers  calcination system  structure characteristics  cementitious property