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蔡燕霞, 申爱琴, 杨光
关键词:  道路工程  旧水泥混凝土路面  加铺改造工程  直接剪切试验  正交分析  衬垫式碎石封层  黏结性能
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007 9629.2013.04.022
Bonding Properties of Rubber Asphalt Underbody Chip Seal
CAI Yan xia, SHEN Ai qin, YANG Guang
Key Laboratory of Highway Engineering in Special Region of Ministry of Education, Changan University,Xian 710064, China
For the bond issue of old cement concrete pavement reconstruction project between layers, gravel sealing layer structure for the cement concrete pavement reconstruction project was proposed and comparative analysis of the bonding properties of rubber asphalt underbody chip seal and single chip seal through the direct shear tests was presented. The mix of rubber asphalt underbody chip seal was optimized by designed orthogonal pilot program. The results show that single chip seal and underbody chip seal are the best gravel sealing layer structure; the first layer of asphalt volume is 2.4kg/m2, the first layer of gravel volume is 9m3/km2, the second layer of asphalt volume is 2.0kg/m2, the second layer of gravel volume is 12m3/km2, the interlaminar shear strength of underbody chip seal is the best, and the bonding performance increase over about 30% than single chip seal.
Key words:  road engineering  old cement concrete pavement  overly reconstruction project  direct shear test  orthogonal analysis  underbody chip seal  bonding property