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王安麟, 陈强, 邱若凡
关键词:  沥青发泡腔  结构设计  多相流场  对比评价
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007 9629.2013.04.012
Comparative Evaluation for Analysis and Experiment ofMultiphase Flow Field in Asphalt Foaming Chamber
WANG An lin, CHEN Qiang, QIU Ruo fan
School of Mechanical Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China
To establish evaluation mechanism for structural design of asphalt foaming chamber, comparative evaluation method for analysis and experiment of multiphase flow field in asphalt foaming chamber was proposed. Modeling the asphalt foaming process, analyzing multiphase flow field distribution in different foaming chambers, comparing analytical results with experimental data, validity of the model was verified. Evaluation index of foaming chamber was built and compared with the experimental data. Evaluation mechanism for structural design of asphalt foaming chamber was obtained and to a certain extent mechanism of asphalt foaming was revealed. It is concluded that uniformity between asphalt and water is smaller and temperature fluctuation is bigger and water vapor is less, structural design of asphalt foaming chamber and foaming result is better. The method is valuable for structural design of foaming chamber and engineering applications of foamed asphalt.
Key words:  asphalt foaming chamber  structural design  multiphase flow field  comparative evaluation