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田倩, 王育江, 李磊, 刘加平
关键词:  混凝土  养护  硅灰  塑性开裂  孔隙负压  耐久性
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007 9629.2013.04.006
An Initial Curing Procedure for Concrete Based onPore Water Pressure Measurement
TIAN Qian, WANG Yu jiang, LI Lei, LIU Jia ping
State Key Laboratory of High Performance Civil Engineering Materials, JiangsuResearch Institute of Building Science Co., Ltd., Nanjing 210008, China
A mini type ceramic sensor was introduced and a wireless monitoring system based on GSM technology was developed for the automatic long range, real time monitoring of the pore water pressure(PWP) within the surface layer of fresh concrete. An initial curing procedure for cementitious materials was proposed and its curing efficiency was studied. Results indicate that proposed initial curing procedures(taking 2kPa of PWP as the threshold of initial curing) can prevent concrete with silica fume from plastic shrinkage cracking under severe evaporation condition(evaporation rate 1.32.6kg/(m2·h-1)) and improve the surface durability of concrete. Fogging is recommended as most effective procedure for initial curing.
Key words:  concrete  curing  silica fume  plastic cracking  pore water pressure  durability