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郑文忠, 李海艳, 王英
关键词:  活性粉末混凝土(RPC)  高温  力学性能  应力应变关系
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007 9629.2013.03.003
基金项目:土木工程防灾国家重点实验室基金资助项目(SLDRCE09 D 02)
Compressive Stress Strain Relationship of Hybrid Fiber Reinforced ReactivePowder Concrete after Exposure to High Temperature
ZHENG Wen zhong, LI Hai yan, WANG Ying
School of Civil Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150090, China
The uniaxial compression experiments were conducted on 120 specimens with the size of 70.7mm×70.7mm×228.0mm for hybrid fiber reinforced reactive powder concrete(RPC) after being exposed to 20900℃. The effects of fiber content and exposure temperature on the mechanical properties of RPC were investigated, including the uniaxial compressive strength, elastic modulus, peak strain, and compressive stress strain curves. The results show that: For the same heating treatment, the compressive strength of RPC with steel fiber volume use level of 1% is the lowest, while the compressive strength of RPC with steel fiber volume use level of 2% and different polypropylene fiber volume use level are almost the same; The uniaxial compressive strength and elastic modulus increase first and then decrease with increasing temperature, and the elastic modulus lowers faster than the compressive strength; and the peak strain reaches the maximum at 600℃, and it increases rapidly before the peak points but decreases linearly with temperature after the peak points. Through regression analysis, the equations to express the relationship of the compressive strength, elastic modulus and peak strain with the maximum exposure temperature are proposed to fit the test results. Besides, quintic polynomial and rational fraction are used to fit the stress strain curves of RPC. The hybrid fiber reinforced RPC has excellent capacity in resistance to high temperature compared with natural strength and high strength concrete.
Key words:  reactive powder concrete(RPC)  high temperature  mechanical property  stress strain relationship
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