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谭忆秋1, 边鑫1, 单丽岩1, 曲乐永2, 吕建福1
关键词:  复合相变材料  温度调控  高温车辙  潜热沥青混合料  模拟试验
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007 9629.2013.02.032
Preparation of Latent Heat Materials Used in Asphalt Pavement andIts Performance of Temperature Control
TAN Yi qiu1, BIAN Xin1, SHAN Li yan1, QU Le yong2, L Jian fu1
1.School of Transportation Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150090, China;2.Beijing General Municipal Engineering Design and Research Institue, Beijing 100000, China
Phase change materials were chosen to fit the thermal environment of the road. Phase change asphalt was made by three kinds of import modes.The composite phase change materials were chosen by comparing the performance of different materials. Latent heat asphalt mixture was made by replacing powder and fine aggregate with composite phase change materials. Its controlling temperature effect was tested by temperature monitor system. Results show that comparing to asphalt mixture, latent heat asphalt mixture can reduce the temperature by 8 to 10℃. Therefore, the latent heat asphalt mixture has a good effect on adjusting the road temperature.
Key words:  composite phase change material  temperature regulation  high temperature rutting  latent heat asphalt mixture  simulation experiment