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蒋玮1, 沙爱民1, 肖晶晶2, 裴建中1
通过设计堵塞试验和渗水试验研究了多孔沥青混合料的抗堵塞性能,分析了空隙率、公称最大粒径、级配变化以及堵塞物的粒径大小对混合料空隙堵塞的影响规律,研究了发生堵塞后混合料渗水能力的变化趋势.结果表明:材料组成的不同导致多孔沥青混合料抗堵塞性能的差异,通过增大混合料的空隙率、公称最大粒径以及空隙率相近时采用粗型级配均能不同程度地改善混合料的抗堵塞性能.多孔沥青混合料PAC 13发生堵塞的位置集中在试件最上部的30mm内,粒径118~2.36mm的颗粒是造成混合料表面空隙堵塞的关键粒径,粒径0.15~0.30mm的颗粒则是造成混合料中上部空隙堵塞的关键粒径.
关键词:  道路工程  多孔沥青混合料  空隙堵塞  材料组成  敏感粒径  渗水试验
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007 9629.2013.02.016
Experimental Study on the Clogging of Porous Asphalt Concrete
JIANG Wei1, SHA Ai min1, XIAO Jing jing2, PEI Jian zhong1
1.Key Laboratory for Special Area Highway Engineering of Ministry of Education, Changan University,Xian 710064, China;2.School of Civil Engineering, Changan University, Xian 710061, China
Anti clogging performance of porous asphalt concrete(PAC) were researched by designed clogging test and water permeation test, it was analyzed that the air voids clogging of PAC was influenced by air voids, nominal maximum aggregate size, graduation and blocking particles size, variation trend was researched on the permeability of PAC after air voids clogging. The results show that there have big differences of anti clogging performance with different PAC material composition; PACs anti clogging performance can be raised by increasing air voids, nominal maximum aggregate size and using coarse gradation with similar air voids; the location of blocking occurred are concentrated on the top 30mm of PAC 13 specimen, fine particles with size of about 1.182.36mm are the key particle size which caused the clogging in the surface of PAC 13 specimen, fine particles with size of about 0.150.30mm are the key particle size which caused the clogging in the top and middle part of PAC 13 specimen.
Key words:  road engineering  porous asphalt concrete(PAC)  air void clogging  material composition  sensitive grain size  water permeation test