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赵顺波, 丁新新, 李长明, 李长永
关键词:  结构工程  混凝土  机制砂  变形钢筋  黏结性能  黏结滑移关系曲线  本构关系
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007 9629.2013.02.002
Experimental Study of Bond Properties between Deformed Steel Bar andConcrete with Machine Made Sand
ZHAO Shun bo, DING Xin xin, LI Chang ming, LI Chang yong
School of Civil Engineering and Communications, North China University of Water Resources andElectric Power, Zhengzhou 450011, China
Pullout tests of steel bar positioned in central of concrete specimen were conducted to investigation of the source rock state of sand, the content of stone powder and the concrete strength on the bond properties between deformed steel bar and concrete with machine made sand. The source rocks of sand were crushed stone and gravel, the contents of stone powder(by mass) were 5%, 9% and 13%, the strength grades of concrete were C30, C40, C50 and C60, the diameter of deformed steel bar was 12 mm. The results show that all specimens damaged from shear broken of concrete dentals in front of bar ribs and pullout of deformed bar, the bond slip curve can be represented as four phases by the characteristic values of bond stress and slip; the bond properties between deformed bar and concrete increase with the increasing concrete strength, which is better while the concrete mixed with sand made of crushed stone. The bond strength between deformed bar and concrete decreases with the increasing content of stone powder in machine made sand while the internal splitting phase of bond slip curve is prolonged and the decreasing phase becomes steeply. Based on the statistical analyses of test data, the constitutive relationships of bond slip between tensile deformed bar and concrete with machine made sand are proposed.
Key words:  structural engineering  concrete  machine made sand  deformed steel bar  bond property  bond slip curve  constitutive relationship