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张英姿1, 范颖芳2, 李宏男3, 陈国芳1
关键词:  混凝土  酸雨  单轴抗拉性能  腐蚀
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007 9629.2012.06.024
Experimental Study on Tensile Mechanical Properties of Concrete
in Simulated Acid Environment ZHANG Ying zi1, FAN Ying fang2, LI Hong nan3, CHEN Guo fang1
1.Department of Civil Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technologyat Weihai, Weihai 264209, China;2.Institute of Road and Bridge Engineering, Dalian Maritime University, Dalian 116026, China;3.State Key Laboratory of Coastal and Offshore Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116023, China
The aim of this paper is to investigate the uniaxial tensile property of concrete exposed to the acid rain environment. Acid solution with pH value of 1.0 was prepared by the mixture of sulfate and nitric acid solution in the laboratory. Fourty dumbbell shaped concrete specimens were immersed in the simulated acid solution completely. After being exposed to the simulated acid mixture for a certain period, uniaxial tensile test were performed on the concrete specimens. It is shown that elastic modulus, tensile strength and peak strain have a slight increase at the initial corrosion stage, and with the extension of corrosion process, elastic modulus and tensile strength decrease gradually, while the peak strain still increases. It is found that the compressive strength is more sensitive to aggressive environment than the tensile strength. Based on the experimental results, an equation was established to describe the ascending part of the stress strain curve of the concrete exposed to acid rain environment.
Key words:  concrete  acid rain  uniaxial tensile performance  corrosion