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梁超锋, 孙斌祥, 刘琦, 白文辉
聚苯(EPS)复合外保温墙中的空气间层对其热湿耦合传递有着重要的影响.针对不同空气间层厚度的EPS复合外保温多孔砖墙,在以上海为代表的夏热冬冷地区的气候条件下,利用已有的热湿耦合传递数学模型和计算软件CHAMPS BES,进行热湿耦合传递数值模拟.结果表明: 空气间层越厚,多孔砖层的初始水分向空气间层扩散、迁移越快;空气间层越厚,空气间层和EPS板的峰值含湿量越高,达到湿稳定所需时间越长.当空气间层厚度为20mm时,水分对EPS复合外保温多孔砖墙传热系数总的影响最显著,高达34%.EPS板施工时,在保证其黏结强度的前提下,宜适当减小空气间层的厚度.
关键词:  空气间层  聚苯复合外保温  热湿耦合传递  数值模拟
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007 9629.2012.06.014
Effect of Air Layer on Coupled Heat and Moisture Transfer in EPS External Insulation Walls
LIANG Chao feng, SUN Bin xiang, LIU Qi, BAI Wen hui
Department of Civil Engineering, Shaoxing University, Shaoxing 312000, China
The air layer in expanded polystyrene(EPS) external insulation walls has an important effect on its coupled heat and moisture transfer. Considered the climate in the hot summer and cold winter area such as Shanghai, the numerical simulation of the coupled heat and moisture transfer was carried out for EPS external insulation perforated brick wall including an air layer of different thickness by using the CHAMPS BES software. The results show that the moisture in the perforated brick transfers towards the air layer more quickly with thickening the air layer. Also the peak moisture content of the EPS board and the air layer is higher and it takes more time for moisture to reach stable with thickening the air layer. The moisture has a more remarkable effect on the heat transfer coefficient of the EPS external insulation perforated brick wall with thickening the air layer. When the thickness of the air layer is 20 mm, the heat transfer coefficient of the EPS external insulation perforated brick wall is about 34% greater than the steady heat transfer coefficient. It is best to decrease the thickness of the air layer during the construction, provided that the bond strength between the EPS board and wall body can be fully guaranteed.
Key words:  air layer  EPS external insulation  coupled heat and moisture transfer  numerical simulation