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关键词:  混凝土  盐冻破坏  结冰压  膨胀  饱水度  机理
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007 9629.2012.06.002
基金项目:西部交通建设科技项目(2001 318 788 77)
One of Mechanisms on the Deicer Frost Scaling of Concrete(Ⅱ):Degree of Saturation and Ice Formation Pressure during Freezing Thawing Cycles
YANG Quan bing1,2
Research Laboratory of Materials Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China
Effects of NaCl concentration(by mass) on the solution absorption and degree of saturation in concrete, and the ice formation expansion ratio and pressure of solutions were investigated under freezing thawing cycles, and then mechanisms on the deicer frost scaling of concrete were analyzed. Results show that the equilibrium value of ice formation expansion ratio and pressure of solutions are significantly reduced with the increase of NaCl concentration, but the critical degree of saturation is obviously enhanced. The degree of saturation in concrete during freezing thawing cycles in NaCl solutions are obviously higher than that in water, and the increase in degree of saturation in the concrete mainly depends on the solution absorption during the freezing, and is not related to the thawing. The ice formation pressure in 2%6% NaCl solution is maximum, so the deicer frost scaling caused by NaCl solution with the low medium concentration is most serious.
Key words:  concrete  deicer frost scaling  ice formation pressure  expansion  degree of saturation  mechanism