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季韬, 陈彩艺, 陈永波, 庄一舟, 梁咏宁
关键词:  吸水返水特性  轻骨料混凝土  预湿程度  拉伸徐变
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007 9629.2012.05.021
Effect of Ceramsite Prewetting Degree on Tensile Creep Characteristics of Lightweight Aggregate Concrete
JI Tao, CHEN Cai yi, CHEN Yong bo, ZHUANG Yi zhou, LIANG Yong ning
College of Civil Engineering, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350108, China
The water absorption and desorption process of ceramsites with different prewetting degree embedded in lightweight aggregate concrete were monitored by a U tube micro pressure measurement device. The interfacial structure between ceramsites and hardened cement paste in lightweight aggregate concrete was scanned by SEM. By a new ring restrained shrinkage equipment, the tensile creep characteristics of lightweight aggregate concrete was also investigated. The study reveals that with the increase of ceramsite prewetting degree the ability of water absorption declines and the ability of water desorption increases for ceramsites embedded in lightweight aggregate concrete; the interfacial transition zone(ITZ) between ceramsites and hardened cement paste becomes denser, and the tensile creep of lightweight aggregate concrete declines.
Key words:  water absorption and desorption property  lightweight aggregate concrete  prewetting degree  tensile creep