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那斌1, 王志鹏1, 王志强1, 黄蓉2, 孙丹丹1, 卢晓宁1
关键词:  菱苦土  木丝板  吸湿性  添加剂  静曲强度(MOR)
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007 9629.2012.05.015
Study on Hygroscopicity Improvement of Low DensityMagnesite Bonded Wood Wool Panel
NA Bin1, WANG Zhi peng1, WANG Zhi qiang1, HUANG Rong2, SUN Dan dan1, LU Xiao ning1
1.College of Wood Science and Technology, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, China;2.Library, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, China
Moisture absorption mechanism of magnesite bonded wood wool panel(MWWP) and measures generally taken to lower its hygroscopicity were reviewed. Three methods were then experimented to improve the dimensional stability of the panel, including adjustment of the molar ratio of raw materials, addition of additives and optimization of the curing method. The results show that satisfying dimensional stability can be achieved when the molar ratio of MgO to MgCl2 is 5︰1, the No.2 composite additive(aluminum powder+NH4H2PO4 +ferric alum) is used and a constant temperature and humidity treatment is applied in the first stage of conditioning.
Key words:  magnesite  wood wool panel  hygroscopicity  addition agent  modulus of rupture(MOR)