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刘加平, 俞寅辉, 冉千平, 周栋梁, 乔敏
关键词:  梳状共聚物  单矿  吸附  高效减水剂
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007 9629.2012.05.003
Adsorption Characteristics of Comb Like Polycarboxylate on Pure Cement Component
LIU Jia ping, YU Yin hui, RAN Qian ping, ZHOU Dong liang, QIAO Min
State Key Laboratory of High Performance Civil Engineering Materials, Jiangsu Research Institute of Building Science Co., Ltd., Nanjing 210008, China
Two different kinds of comb like copolymer with same side chain length but various bridging group(ester bond, ether linkage) were used. Adsorption characteristics of copolymer on silicate phases, C3A/gypsum and its hydration products ettringite(AFt), calcium hydroaluminate were systematically investigated to elucidate the distribution of copolymer on pure cement component. The results indicate that large amount of comb like copolymer were consumed by aluminate and its relevant hydration products. Adsorption characteristics of various copolymers are similar on the same pure cement component. Only a tiny amount of adsorption is observed on silicate phases and the equilibrated concentration is not influenced by the types of copolymer. There is linear relation between adsorption amount and dosage on C3A grains, but no saturated adsorption is detected in the range of 0 to 8 mg/g.
Key words:  comb like copolymer  pure cement component  adsorption  superplasticizer