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李乃胜1, 李清临2, 曾晓敏3, 宋国定4
关键词:  郑州商城  陶板瓦  制作工艺
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007 9629.2012.04.025
Study on Technology of the Ceramic Tiles from Ruined City of Shang Dynasty in Zhengzhou
LI Nai sheng1, LI Qing lin2, ZENG Xiao min3, SONG Guo ding4
1.Chinese Academy of Cultural Heritage, Beijing 100029, China;2.School of History, Wuhan University, Wuchang 430072, China;3.Henan Institute of Archaeology and Cultural Relics, Zhengzhou 450000, China;4.Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
Some flat ceramic tiles from ruined city of Shang dynasty in Zhengzhou were analyzed, and the making technique and technical quality of these tiles were discussed. The analysis of dimensions of these tiles reveals that there is a positive relation between the length of arc and the length of chord, though the dimensions of tiles are different. Considering the outer characters of these tiles, it is concluded that these tiles had complex production process. Firstly, the clay was made to a cylinder. Secondly, this clay cylinder was cut to several clay tiles. Finally, clay tiles were put into kiln and baked to earthen tiles. The analysis of water absorptivity, flexural strength and baking temperature of tiles reveal that these tiles have better technical quality than those of lots of bricks and tiles in other later historical and modern periods, and that the quality of these tiles were in accordance with the standard of tile absolutely.
Key words:  ruined city of Shang dynasty in Zhengzhou  flat ceramic tile  making technique