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钟永, 孙华林, 娄万里, 任海青, 李霞镇
关键词:  木节  落叶松规格材  抗弯弹性模量  理论模型
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007 9629.2012.04.016
Effect of Knots on Bending Modulus of Elasticity of Larch Dimension Lumber
ZHONG Yong, SUN Hua lin, LOU Wan li, REN Hai qing, LI Xia zhen
Research Institute of Woos Industry, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing 100091, China
The defects, especially for knots, seriously affect the bending properties of wood. Full scale specimens and clear specimens for bending test, cut from larch dimension lumbers with different kinds of knots, were applied to predict the accuracy of the modulus of elasticity(MOE) in bending and to improve the accuracy of MOE by multivariate regression analysis with density and knots information. According to the regression analysis results, the∑[(Ik/Ig)·(Mk/Mo)] of all knots and the average density ρa showed the best predictive accuracy of MOE for full scale specimen(Ef), with 0.674 of R2 and 1.15 of RMSE. Based on the ratio of regression parameter of independent variables for density and knots information, the knots were less influential than density on influencing Ef. Finally, a simplified theoretical model that can be used to calculate MOE for larch dimension lumber, was defined as Ef/Ec=0.96-0.47∑[(Ik/Ig)·(Mk/Mo)].
Key words:  knots  larch dimension lumber  modulus of elasticity(MOE)  theoretical model