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李佰寿, 张平, 金爱花, 丛明, 李月红
关键词:  薄壁方形钢管  再生块体  破坏形态  荷载应变  核心混凝土  强度  模型
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007 9629.2012.04.003
Study of Axial Compression Destroy of Thin Walled Square Steel Stub Columns Filled with Recycled Demolished Concrete Lump
LI Bai shou, ZHANG Ping, JIN Ai hua, CONG Ming, LI Yue hong
Institute of Technology, Yanbian University, Yanbian 133002, China
To reveal axial compressive deformation and failure mode of thin walled square steel stub columns filled with recycled demolished concrete lump,the tests were taken under axial loading with the result that the failure mode and overall deformation characters were observed and curves of load and strain(or deformation) were obtained. Through the curves of load and strain(or deformation), and by analysis of the mechanical performance and failure mode influenced by the strength of core concrete in combination layer between recycled demolished concrete lump and green concrete,the theoretical failure model of this structure component was proposed.Test results show that waist drum shape crumple failure is the main failure mode. In the elastic state, each strain growth is uniform in middle section and corner of steel stub, and both of the longitudinal strain growth is also uniform. In destruction stage, no ribbed stiffener specimens take on the ruck building, and ribbed stiffener specimens take on stiffening character. The strength of core concrete in combination layer has greater influence on the mechanical performance and failure mode.
Key words:  thin walled square steel stub  recycled demolished concrete lump  failure mode  load strain  core concrete  strength  model