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崔正龙1, 路沙沙1, 汪振双2
关键词:  再生骨料混凝土  砂浆附着率  砂浆强度  界面过渡区
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007 9629.2012.02.023
Influence of Recycled Aggregate on Strength and Anti carbonationProperties of Recycled Aggregate Concrete
CUI Zheng long1, LU Sha sha1, WANG Zhen shuang2
1.College of Civil and Architectural Engineering, Liaoning Technical University, Fuxin 123000, China;2.Institute of Building Materials, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China
Influence of surface mortar strength and adhesive rate around coarse aggregate on recycled aggregate concrete(RAC) were investigated. Concrete of different strength were prepared with recycled aggregate of different surface mortar strength and adhesive rate to investigate their properties. It has been shown that, for low strength recycled aggregate concrete with higher strength ordinary concrete, the strength of recycled aggregate concrete and ordinary concrete are nearly the same, and the effect of surface mortar strength and adhesive rate around coarse aggregate on recycled aggregate concrete is low, while the carbonization depth of recycled aggregate concrete is higher than that of ordinary concrete; on the other hand, for recycled aggregate concrete prepared by low strength ordinary concrete, there are great differences between recycled aggregate concrete and ordinary concrete, the effect of surface mortar strength and adhesive rate around coarse aggregate on recycled aggregate concrete is significant and carbonization depth is increasing.
Key words:  recycled aggregate concrete  mortar adhesive rate  mortar strength  interfacial transition zone