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李好新, 吴建国, 王培铭
关键词:  沥青混合料  表观密度  空隙率  间接抗拉刚度模量  水稳定性
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007 9629.2012.02.018
Influence of Temperature Condition on Performance of Bituminous Mixtures Specimens Cored from Fresh Pavement
LI Hao xin, WU Jian guo, WANG Pei ming
Key Laboratory of Advanced Civil Engineering Materials of Ministry of Education, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China
In laboratory, the bituminous mixture coring at different coring condition were obtained to test its bulk density, air void content, indirect tensile stiffness modulus and water stability. The results show that the coring condition has significant influence on the bulk density and indirect tensile stiffness modulus. When the temperature goes down, the bulk density and indirect tensile stiffness modulus increase obviously. On the other hand, if the coring temperature decreases, the air void also decreases. At the high temperature, the coring can be damaged due to the shear stress from coring, the indirect tensile stress(ITS) is low. At the lower temperature, the asphalt is cooled, and the bituminous mixture bonds firmly, the coring can not be damaged easily, and the indirect tensile stiffness is high. Coring at ice, when ice contacts with mixture, ice melts and the water will infiltrate into the air void of the mixture, the water stability of mixture will be affected.
Key words:  bituminous mixture  bulk density  air void  indirect tensile stiffness modulus(ITSM)  water stability