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洪锦祥, 缪昌文, 刘加平, 万赟
关键词:  冻融循环  损伤  力学性能  衰减规律
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007 9629.2012.02.005
Degradation Law of Mechanical Properties of Concrete Subjected to Freeze Thaw Cycles
HONG Jin xiang, MIAO Chang wen, LIU Jia ping, WAN Yun
State Key Laboratory of High Performance Civil Engineering Materials, Jiangsu Research Institute of Building Science Co., Ltd., Nanjing 210008, China
In order to study the influence of freeze thaw damage on the mechanical properties of concrete, rapid frost experiments were conducted on specimens with varied water to cement ratio and air content, then the tests of the flexural, compressive, tensile splitting strength and dynamical elastic modulus of frozen concrete were carried out. The dynamical elastic modulus was chosen as damage variables, the relationship between freeze thaw damage and flexural or compressive strength were analyzed, and an attenuation equation on flexural strength of damaged concrete was proposed through regression analysis. The experimental results show that flexural, compressive, tensile splitting strength and dynamical elastic modulus decrease with the increasing freeze thaw cycles; and the decay rate of flexural, tensile splitting strength and dynamical elastic modulus increases. On the other hand, the decay rate of compressive strength increases at first with the increasing of freeze thaw cycles, and then decreases. For the same freeze thaw cycles, the higher is air content or the lower is the ratio of water to cement, the less is strength loss. The descending order of loss of mechanical properties was as follows:flexural and tensile splitting strength, dynamical elastic modulus, compressive strength. The damage degree and the flexural strength were well correlated while its correlation to the compressive strength was weak. When damage degree is less than 40%, the compressive strength of freeze thaw damaged concrete is not lower than 70% of its original strength.
Key words:  freeze thaw cycle  damage  mechanical property  degradation law