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张君1, 钟海涛1, 居贤春1, 王贯明2
关键词:  钢纤维混凝土  高延性低收缩材料  裂缝  氯离子渗透  耐久性
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007 9629.2012.02.001
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(50878119);交通部西部交通建设科技项目(200631822302 06)
Comparative Study on Cl- Penetration in Cracked High Ductility and Low Shrinkage Material and Steel Fiber Concrete
ZHANG Jun1, ZHONG Hai tao1, JU Xian chun1, WANG Guan ming2
1.Department of Civil Engineering,Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China;2.Institute of Beijing Municipal Engineering, Beijing 100073, China
The effect of cracks in steel fiber concrete(SFRC) and high ductility and low shrinkage material(LSECC) on Cl- penetration was investigated by pre induced flexural cracks in concrete beams. The cracked beams with different crack width or tensile strains were then continuously soaked with 3%(by mass) NaCl solution or undergone drying and wetting cycles. The content(by mass) of Cl- in concrete at the locations of cracks was determined by drilling powder sample with electric hammer. The experimental results show that the influence of cracks on the Cl- penetration is very significant. The content of Cl- at the location of cracks in SFRC is 34 times compared to the place without cracks. The Cl- content in SFRC is increased with increase of the crack width for the specimens soaked for 30 d. At 60 d after soaked, the content of Cl- becomes almost constant irrespective of the penetration depth. Under drying and wetting conditions, the content of Cl- in SFRC greatly increases compared to those of continuously soaked. By contrast, LSECC can apparently reduce the content of Cl-, especially under drying and wetting conditions. The resistance to Cl- penetration for LSECC is obviously significant.
Key words:  steel fiber concrete  high ductility and low shrinkage material  crack  Cl- penetration  durability