摘要: |
根据恒温条件下饱和盐水溶液的相对湿度,配制了不同种类的盐溶液并控制其相对湿度;测试了膨胀聚苯乙烯板(expanded polystyrene,EPS)、挤塑聚苯乙烯板(extruded polystyrene,XPS)和聚氨酯(polyarethane,PU)这3种常用建筑保温材料以及混凝土、水泥砂浆的等温吸、放湿曲线;给出了材料平衡含湿量随相对湿度变化的拟合公式;并对其结果进行了误差分析.结果表明,材料平衡含湿量随相对湿度变化的拟合公式可用于围护结构热湿传递的计算. |
关键词: 等温吸放湿曲线 相对湿度(RH) 保温材料 |
DOI: |
分类号:TU502 |
基金项目:国家建设部攻关项目? |
Experimental Research of Isothermal Sorption Curve of Building Materials |
LI Kui-shan ZHANG Xu HAN Xing ZHU Dong-ming
Abstract: |
To determine thermal parameters of porous building materials for building thermal and energy analysis,an experimental study is presently carried out, which applies constant relative humidity controlled by the saturated salt-water solution under isothermal condition.The principle of isothermal vapor sorption is discussed and the method for temperature and humidity control is proposed.The routine materials of concrete,mortars and clay brick whose experimental data widely existed in the previous studies,to con... |
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