摘要: |
通过室内发泡试验,对沥青发泡效果的影响因素和变化范围进行了评价;制备了不同发泡效果的泡沫沥青混合料,探讨了发泡效果与泡沫沥青混合料性能的相关性;通过模拟沥青混合料拌和试验过程,分析了拌和过程与集料对沥青混合料发泡效果的影响因素;提出了沥青发泡效果评价指标的建议值,以指导泡沫沥青冷再生技术的工程应用. |
关键词: 泡沫沥青 发泡效果 膨胀比 半衰期 劈裂强度 |
DOI: |
分类号:TU528.42 |
基金项目: |
Relationship between Asphalt Foaming Effect and Foamed Asphalt Mixture Performance |
LI Guan-yi LI Li-han
Abstract: |
First,influencing factor and changing range of asphalt foaming were evaluated by laboratory test.Second,foamed asphalt mixture was prepared with different foaming rate and their physical and mechanical properties were tested for clarifying the relationship between foaming rate and foamed asphalt mixture. Third,mixing process of foamed asphalt mixture was simulated to study how mixing and moving aggregates affected asphalt foaming.Finally,propositional value of foamed asphalt evaluation index is indicated as its application guidance. |
Key words: foamed asphalt,foaming effect,expansion ratio,half life,indirect tensile strength |