摘要: |
采用与土木工程施工特点相适应的操作工艺与保护方法,将自行研制的光纤布拉格光栅(FBG)应变传感器与温度传感器埋入一幢5层钢筋混凝土结构的大楼中,用以监测该建筑在施工过程中梁、柱的应变与温度变化.研究结果表明,埋入的FBG传感器可以方便地监测施工过程中混凝土结构内部温度与应变的变化,为混凝土结构的健康监测提供依据;自行研制的FBG传感器传感性能良好,成活率高,寿命长,为基于FBG传感器长期的混凝土结构健康监测奠定了基础. |
关键词: 健康监测,光纤布拉格光栅,结构,应变,温度,传感器 |
DOI: |
分类号:TU528 |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金;辽宁省科学技术基金重点项目 |
Monitoring of Construction of the Concrete Structure Based an Embedded Fiber Bragg Grating(FBG) Sensor System |
LI Hong-nan SUN Li LIANG De-zhi
Abstract: |
This paper discussed the monitoring of the temperature changes and strain changes of a 5-story reinforce concrete building by a fiber Bragg grating(FBG) sensor system in building construction course.Based on the project results,it is showed that the packaged FBG used in mea-(surement) is feasible and superior to monitor the change of interior temperatare and strain of concrete structure for a long period.This project also provides some useful advice for structure health monitoring. |
Key words: health monitoring,FBG(fiber Bragg grating),structure,strain,temperature,sensor |