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关键词:  混凝土,硫酸盐侵蚀,快速评估方法,影响因素
Investigations of Influence Factor on the Rate of Concrete Sulfate Attack
FANG Xiang-wei  SHEN Chun-ni  YANG De-bin  CHEN Zheng-han  ZHANG Zhong-fa
The effects of water cement ratio,cement sand ratio,specimen size,pre-storage method,solution concentration and temperature on the rate of concrete sulfate attack were investigated.The test results show that the speed of attack is accelerated with the increasing of water cement ratio,the decreasing of cement sand ratio and the smaller size of the specimen.The specimen with large water cement ratio,small cement sand ratio and small size should be adopted in order to accelerate the test speed of sulfate attack.High prestorage temperature and short pre-storage time can accelerate the speed of sulfate attack.When solution concentration and temperature are lower than certain value,the speed of attack is accelerated with increasing concentration and temperature.However,higher temperature and concentration of solution may decrease the rate of attack.The speed of attack of sodium sulfate is faster than that of magnesium sulfate under various conditions.It is suitable to adopt the coefficient of tensile strength as the accelerated assessing criterion for the attack of sodium sulfate.For the attack of magnesium sulfate,the coefficient of tensile and compressive strength should be considered together.
Key words:  concrete,sulfate attack,accelerated assessing method,influence factor