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通过无侧限抗压强度试验和微观结构分析,研究了石灰-粉煤灰固化某巷道底板泥岩泥化物的无侧限抗压强度随龄期发展的特性以及将其作为巷道路面基层材料的可行性.试验结果表明,采用一定配比石灰-粉煤灰处理后的泥化物,其28 d的无侧限抗压强度可达到1.78 MPa.分析认为,该固化泥化物可作为巷道路面的基层材料.
关键词:  泥化物,石灰-粉煤灰固化,岩土特性,路面基层材料
Experiments on Lime-Fly Ash Stabilization of Swelled Mudstone on Roadway Floor in Tunnel
LI Jun-wei  HUANG Hong-wei  ZHANG Ri-chen
Subjected to dynamic loading and humid environment condition,the mudstone will swell and lose its strength due to the argillization just in a few hours,which hinders normal coal mining.In order to reinforce swelled mudstone instead of removing it from tunnel,a local thermal power plant byproduct,fly ash(class C fly ash,ASTM C618) and lime were proposed as(additives) to stabilize it.A series of experimental tests and microstructure observation were conducted to determine geotechnical properties of stabilized mudstone and possibility of(using) as base material of roadway floor.The unconfined compressive strength(UCS) tests show that the mixture of lime-fly ash and swelled mudstone has the strength(UCS) of about(1.78 MPa) and elastic modulus of about 210 to 400 MPa after 28 d curing ages.The analytical results show that it is possible for the treated soil to be used as base material.And,the treatment provides a time-saving way to stabilize the swelled mudstone in excavated roadway floor of coal mine.
Key words:  swelled mudstone,lime-fly ash stabilization,geotechnical property,base material