摘要: |
经试验研究得出,水灰比为机场道面混凝土配合比设计中的首要考虑因素,并发现水灰比与混凝土抗折强度具有良好的线性关系;骨料级配及其致密程度与道面混凝土抗折强度有着直接的因果关系.通过骨料绝对体积对混凝土抗折强度影响的初步探究发现:当水泥浆体用量较佳时,在混凝土振捣密实的前提下,所选级配骨料的用量越大,混凝土抗折强度越高. |
关键词: 混凝土配合比设计 机场道面 抗折强度 水泥 水灰比 砂率 骨料 |
DOI: |
分类号:TU528.062 |
基金项目: |
Research on the Optimization of Concrete Mix Design of Pudong Airport Pavement |
SHI Hui-sheng ZHU Lei DING Xiang WANG Zhong-ping LI Qi-ling ZHANG Dong
Abstract: |
The fact of that the water cement ratio is the chief factor when making concrete mix design of the airport pavement with this experiment is known.And the results of this research show that water cement ratio has a well linear relationship with the flexural strength of concrete,the grading and the compact extent of the aggregate are directly corresponding to the flexural strength of concrete for pavement.Through the experiment research on the influences of aggregate's absolute volume on the flexural strength,it is conducted that when the cement is fine and the concrete is well compacted,the more aggregate used,the higher the flexural strength of concrete. |
Key words: concrete mix design,airport pavement,flexural strength,cement,water cement ratio,sand proportion(S_p),aggregate, |