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研究了硅酸与KOH,NaOH以及LiOH反应后所形成产物的吸水能力,结果表明:KOH与硅酸反应后的产物的吸水能力最强,其次是NaOH,而LiOH与硅酸反应的产物的吸水能力最弱.通过SEM/EDS对比研究了硅质集料在LiOH,KOH,LiOH KOH介质中的膨胀行为,结果表明:LiOH—硅酸反应生成的结构致密的非膨胀性产物硅酸锂L-S-H包裹在未反应的集料周围,阻止了碱—硅酸反应的继续进行,而LiOH—硅酸反应过程本身不会引起膨胀;在LiOH存在时,硅酸与KOH反应后形成的K-S-H中的K^ 被Li^ 取代生成L—S—H,而L-S-H阻碍了碱—硅酸反应的继续进行,故LiOH能够抑制碱—硅酸反应发生膨胀.
关键词:  LiOH  膨胀行为  反应产物  SEM/EDS  对碱  吸水能力  NaOH  KOH  硅质集料  对比研究  反应生成  反应过程  Li^+  硅酸锂  膨胀性  K^+  包裹  致密  制碱
分类号:TQ637 TD774
Influence of LiOH on the Expansive Behavior of Alkali-Silica Reaction Product
MEI Lai-bao  TANG Ming-shu  DENG Min
Water absorption rate of products of silica reaction with KOH, NaOH and LiOH was studied. Test results show that the water absorption rate of KOH-silica reaction products is the highest followed by NaOH-silica reaction products, the water absorption rate of LiOH-silica reaction products is the lowest. The expansion of siliceous aggregate was compared in different solutions such as LiOH, KOH, LiOH+KOH and the products were studied by SEM/EDS. The results show that LiOH-silica reaction gives rise to less-expansive lithium silicate L-S-H which is fine and close in texture and unreacted aggregate is wrapped up in new-formed lithium silicate and alkali-silica reaction is prevented. LiOH-silica reaction process itself does not lead to expansion. When there is LiOH, K-S-H produced by KOH-silica reaction is transformed into L-S-H because K~+ in K-S-H is replaced by Li~+, therefore LiOH can inhibit the expansion due to alkali-silica reaction.
Key words:  siliceous aggregate,alkali-silica reaction,lithium hydroxide