摘要: |
将多孔性无机矿物与减水剂(FDN)复合成有机-矿物复合助磨剂(organic mineral complex grinding aid,简称OMC).通过水泥粉体的细度、勃氏比表面积及休止角等性能的测定,研究了OMC对水泥的助磨作用.结果表明,OMC对水泥具有助磨、增强、减水等作用,同时,还有效地提高了水泥的物理性能,其中掺量为3%的沸石基OMC使水泥的0.08mm方孔筛余值降低约28%,使水泥的3,28,90d抗压强度分别提高了45.7%,8.6%,14.2%.并且由于其具有FDN缓释效果,还能有效延长水泥的净浆流动度,减少混凝土坍落度的经时损失. |
关键词: 减水剂 矿物复合助磨剂 水泥 无机矿物 物理性能 |
DOI: |
分类号:TQ172.13 |
基金项目: |
Study on Organic-mineral Complex Grinding Aid of Cement |
JIANG Chao-hua
Abstract: |
Organic-mineral complex grinding aid (OMC) was made by using plasticizer (FDN) and porous mineral. The effect of OMC on the cement grinding was studied by the measurement of cement fineness, specific surface area and angle of repose. The results show that the complex grinding aid exhibits considerable effects on grinding, water reduction and physical properties for cement paste. Addition of 3% (by mass) of OMC with zeolite as a carrier, increases the fineness by about 28% and increases 3, 28, 90 d compressive strength of cement pastes by 45.7%, 8.6%, 14.2% respectively. Besides, it effectively maintains fluidity of cement paste and decreases concrete slump loss which is attributed to absorption effect of zeolite to FDN. |
Key words: organic,mineral,complex,grinding aid, |