摘要: |
研究了约束状况,失水条件及试件厚度等因素对水泥砂浆塑性收缩开裂性能的影响。结果表明:(1)增加钢筋框中部约束或取消钢筋框均可减少砂浆塑性收缩开裂性能;底部凹凸状约束及面层铺设钢丝网可使砂浆塑性开裂有所减小,但不能消除塑性开裂现象;基本去除约束的准自由状态可使砂浆免除塑性收缩开裂。(2)失水条件对砂浆塑性收缩开裂有明显影响,灯与电网扇同时开启所形成的“风吹日晒”比单纯“风吹”、“日晒”更易于使砂浆塑性收缩开裂;加强抹面处理可使塑性收缩开裂减小,维持较长时间的洒水养护可消除塑性开裂现象。(3)增加试件厚度可减少砂浆的塑性收缩开裂,混凝土的抗塑性收缩开裂能力比砂浆强。 |
关键词: 塑性收缩开裂 塑性收缩开裂总权重值 实验条件 砂浆 混凝土 |
DOI: |
分类号:TU502.4 |
基金项目:上海市重点学科建设资助项目 |
Effects of Experimental Conditions on the Plastic Shrinkage Cracking of Cement Mortar |
MA Yi ping ZHU Bei rong TAN Mu hua ZHOU Zhong ming
Abstract: |
The effects of experimental conditions such as restraint states, water losing conditions and sample thickness on the plastic shrinkage cracking of cement mortar were investigated. The results show: (1) different restraints, such as increasing steel restraint or without steel restraint, placing restraints in the middle of and at the top of the specimen, and quasi free state, have different effects on the plastic shrinkage cracking. (2) The water losing conditions, such as different trowel manners, sprinkling water, environmental temperature and relative humidity, also have different effects on the plastic shrinkage cracking. (3) With the increase of the thickness of the mortar, the total cracking weighted value decreases. Concrete has higher resistance to the plastic shrinkage cracking than mortar. |
Key words: plastic shrinkage cracking,total shrinkage cracking weighted value,experimental condition,mortar,concrete |