摘要: |
阐述了利用计算机技术建立粉灰混凝土双变量强度公式,以及通过优化程序提高其准确性和普适性的方法,与生产单位测试数据的对比结果表明,附带优化程序的双为量强度公式具有良好的普适性。 |
关键词: 粉煤灰混凝土 配合比 设计 强度公式 优化程序 |
DOI: |
分类号:TU528.2 |
基金项目:上海市建委粉煤灰综合利用科研基金资助项目 (99 7) |
Two Variable Strength Formula of Fly Ash Concrete |
YANG Qian rong WU Xue li ZHANG Ling yi
Abstract: |
A trend of mixing proportion design of fly ash concrete is to set up the direct method that does not need reference mixing proportion. To achieve this, the strength formula must be set up. The paper describes the methods of setting up the two variable strength formula by using computer and the method of improving the accuracy and universality of the strength formula through the optimal procedure. Comparison between the result of calculated strength and determined strength shows that the two variable strength formula with the optimal procedure has good universality. |
Key words: fly ash concrete,mixing proportion design,strength formula,optimal procedure, |