摘要: |
提出了用模糊群子理论的观点来看待两种熟料的混合粉磨过程,可采用群聚度来表征粉磨过程中粉体颗粒的聚集能力。依据模糊群子论的基本原理,导出了水泥体系粒径分布的群子本征方程,并计算得到水泥体系的群聚度,研究表明:对于群聚度相差较大的立窑熟料与NSP窑熟料,宜采用混合粉磨方式;而群聚度相差不大的立窑熟料与NSP窑熟料,混合粉磨的效果不理想。 |
关键词: 混合粉磨 群聚度 NSP窑 立窑混磨水泥 |
DOI: |
分类号:TQ172.63 TQ172.623 |
基金项目: |
Influence of Clustering Degree on Combined Grinding of Clinkers Obtained from Shaft Kiln and Kiln with Precalciner |
JIANG Yong-hui HU Jing YUAN Xiao-lin XU Pei-tao YAO Pi-qiang
Abstract: |
Combined grinding of clinkers obtained from different types of kilns was studied with fuzzy sub cluster theory. Clustering degree was proposed and used to represent the clustering ability of particles. The sub cluster intrinsic equation for the cement particles size distribution was derived on the base of fuzzy sub cluster theory. It is shown that combined grinding is very effective for clinkers with quite different clustering degrees. However, in the case of clinkers with similar clustering degrees, combined grinding is not recommended. |
Key words: combined grinding,fuzzy sub cluster theory,clustering degree |