摘要: |
以复变函数论在混凝土材料性能研究中的应用为例,指出纯粹数学可以直接应用于材料和技术科学的研究中。混凝土材料的性能信息以阻抗函数为载体,从色散关系及共形映照原理来判断其稳定性,通过由Laplace空间到实时空间之间的反Laplace变换,实现从频域到时域的转换,使得从阻抗函数获取动力学信息成为可能。 |
关键词: 混凝土 性能 阻抗函数 复变函数论 色散关系 |
DOI: |
分类号:TU528.01 |
基金项目: |
Applications of Theory of Functions of Complex Variables in the Research of Concrete Materials |
Shi Meilun
Abstract: |
Theory of functions of complex variables, a branch
of classical mathematics, has been applied to research the properties and performance of
concrete materials. To study the stability of the system, dispersion relation and theory of
conformal mapping, whicth are based on Cauchy's theorem, are to be used effectively. Inverse
Laplace transform has been used to transform the impedance function from frequency domain
into time domain. The research of the hydration dynamics of cement paste is a typical example
of its application. |
Key words: concrete performance,impedance function,theory of functions of
complex variables,dispersion relation,conformal mapping,inverse Laplace transform |